Friday, July 23, 2010

When ME changed to WE

Before We got married!
One of our Engagement Pictures!

At the temple on our wedding day!

Dear Lexi,

We will start from the beginning...

When I was in high school my best friend was a girl named Misty Rice. We were the best of friends. When we graduated and went off to seperate colleges we both kept in touch. Misty went to BYU-Idaho for a year and then moved to Utah. She met a boy named Devin while in Idaho and together they moved to Utah. Well, Devins older brother, Brandon, convinced Misty and Devin to be summer sales representatives for Platinum Security in Atlanta, Georgia. Misty wanted us to be able to spend the summer together so she convinced me to join her. I arrived a few weeks after everyone else because my school got out later. There were quite a few boys in the office and only a few girls. I had no desire to get involved with any of them, but plans change. Ryan was one of those boys in the office.

As you will eventually come to know, Ryan is Brandons brother in law. Brandon also recruited Ryan to join him in Atlanta.

FYI-Ryan and Devin were roommates in Atlanta and Misty and I were roommates.

Ryan and I met when one of my sales started to go south. I had convinced a guy to buy the alarm system, but he was having second thoughts. Ryan was hanging out with Devin (who was a technician not a sales rep) and Devin was the tech involved in setting up the alarm. Eventually Ryan ended up convincing the guy to continue getting the alarm system. Misty ended up going over to Devins to hang out and I tagged along. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to Ryan that night, but he impressed me with his Guitar Hero skills.

Over the next few weeks your dad and I got to know each other a lot better. Since his sister Amanda (Brandons wife) and his sister Wendy (travelling nurse) were already in Georgia I got to know them a lot better to. We had some pretty good times. We would watch movies together, ditch work and hang out at the park, cook dinner, and just enjoy each others company.

After knowing each other for about a month, Ryan proposed. I of course said yes. I knew it was the right thing to do. I had been praying about where our relationship would take us and I knew that your dad and I were meant to be together.

Anyways we got tired of summer sales and decided to leave. We were going to go to Utah. I could get into University of Utah or BYU and we would be happy. However, plans changed. We ended up stopping in Texas to visit the rest of the family. We were going to work for the rest of the summer, save some money, and then continue on our way to Utah. That never happened. After living in Texas for a few weeks we realized that this is where we were meant to be. So we stayed. We both enrolled in school and started our lives in Texas.

A few months later we were married for eternity in the Dallas Temple. It was a beautiful day. We were surrounded by family and loved ones. We had a simple ceremony because we didn't have all that much money. We were poor college students anxious to start our lives together.

And that is the story of how two people became husband and wife!

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