Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Month 2 Stats, Stories, and Pictures

Dear Lexi,
Your second month on Earth was very eventful. You finally started to smile when you recognized faces. You would smile when somebody smiled at you and you would smile in response to us talking to you. You always had such a beautiful smile.

You also started to recognize that your actions have reactions. You would hit the dangly things on your bouncy seat and be amazed that they moved and rattled. You weren't very fond of your bouncy seat, but you did enjoy hitting the toys.

You loved laying on your back and looking up at things. Which is part of the reason you you loved your changing table. You were so interested in looking around and seeing new things. We bought you an activity mat that you loved. You loved looking up and seeing all of the animals. We would lay you on your back and talk to you and you would smile and coo.

You also liked being on your tummy, but only if you were wide awake and happy. Otherwise you hated it. We were constantly encouraging you to try and roll over. You didn't really care about trying to roll over, but you did like pushing yourself up. you also really liked scooting. I would put my hands behind your feet and you would kick off and move a little. You loved being able to move. You would coo and try to do it again.

You loved when we put you over our head so you could see all around. You were always so curious. You would look around and try to see everything around you. You only liked it for a few minutes at a time, but it was fun for you while it lasted.

I bought us all cute clothes for Fourth of July. You slept through all of the fireworks, but daddy and I had a great time watching them. Everyone loved your little dress. You got so many comments about it that day at Church.

I bought you a bouncy activity center. You loved it. It was a 3-5 month center, but you loved being able to stand up so we bought it for you. You loved being able to sit in it bounce around.

You went in for your two month appointment today. You weighed 14 pounds 8 ounces. Your weight was in the 97th percentile. You are so chunky and cute!! Your height and head circumference were in the 50th percentile. You got your first round of vaccines. You HATED them. You screamed and screamed and screamed. The worst was the one you have to take orally. You threw it up, but they didn't make you take it again. After that you were mad, but they still had to give you the shots. You screamed like crazy. Once they were done I cuddled you, but you were still mad. The minute I put you in your car seat you stopped crying. It was like you knew we were getting out of there.

Right now you are playing on the floor with daddy. It is almost ten o'clock, but you have been staying up really late the last week. You decided sleep was overrated. You would much rather play and interact with those around you.

I love you baby girl. Mommy has to get ready to put you to bed....again. : )

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