Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas and California Vacation

Dear Lexi,
This year for Christmas, we continued a tradition that your Aunt Gabby and I have had for several years. Your daddy and I have had this tradition since we got married. I am talking about our tradition of opening pajamas on Christmas Eve. All three of us got a nice new pair of pajamas. We took tons of pictures, watched The Christmas Carol, and then we snuggled in bed nice and warm in our new jammies.
Christmas day we went to Grandma Matteson's house. We all gathered together as a family and opened presents. You were more interested in eating the wrapping paper then opening the presents, but you quickly learned that there were new and interesting things underneath the extremely delicious tasting paper. After opening presents, we ate really tasty breakfast burritos. Well, you just had a little bit of scrambled egg, but Daddy and I ate breakfast burritos. Then everyone took a nap. It was a pretty good first Christmas.

On the 28th, you and I flew to California. You were amazing on the flight, which was great for mommy since I was travelling alone with you. Everyone in California was so excited to meet you. They had only ever seen pictures of you and they were super excited to see you. And truthfully mommy was pretty excited to show you off. On January 4th, daddy flew in to meet us in California. You were super excited to see him after not seeing him for so long. And he was super excited to see you.

We got to visit your Nana and Grampa Givens, your Aunt Gabby, your grandpa and grandma Miller, and your grama Papineau. Along with several family friends; Misty, Michelle, Maclyn, and Brittney. We also went down to Monterey and visited with your Aunt Ammie and her family.

You had a few adventures while we were in California:
First: you got your first real taste of what dogs were. Grama Papineau had a little tiny teacup chiauau that was perfect sized for you. You two would play like you were best friends. She would step on your head and you would giggle, pick her up and throw her. She would run back and hop back on for another round. It was really cute watching you play together.
Second: We learned about your love for jelly fish. We went to the Monterey Aquarium and you just loved being able to sit infront of the jelly fish tank and watch them. You kept touching the glass and staring so intently at them.
Third: You had your first couple of tumbles. You fell off of a recliner and off of a bench at the kitchen table. Daddy and I were both heartbroken when you fell, but you didn't really seemed phased at all.

Our return trip to Texas was pretty uneventful. You were so well behaved.

That is pretty much all of our adventures to California.

I love you Lexi,
