Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Month One Stats and Stories

Dear Lexi, From the beginning you were a strong little baby. You could hold your head up from day one. You loved sleeping and the first few months you would only wake up to eat. you loved cuddling with daddy and mommy. Your favorite things were your swing, mobile, and changing table. You loved taking showers and playing outside. If you were fussy all I had to do was take you outside and you were immediately happy. You also loved showering it relaxed you and got you ready for bed. We couldn't give you a bath before bed because you got way too excited. You would laugh and kick like crazy. We learned bathtime was only for the mornings or nights when we weren't too concerned with you going to bed. You were about three weeks old when you started to giggle in your sleep. You wouldn't giggle when you were awake, but you must of had some pretty silly dreams because you would giggle for 2-3 minutes. I wish I could have got it on video. You ould smile when you were gassy. You had such a beautiful smile! You weren't to fond of your bouncy seat. You would tolerate it for a little while. If your bouncy seat was playing music you would tolerate it, but you did not like the vibrations. We left you with grammy alone during your first month. Daddy and I went to the temple and grammy watched you. You were great with her, but you missed your mommy! About the time we were heading home from the temple you woke up and started fussing. Sandra wrapped you in my nursing cover and you snuggled into it and fell asleep. I loved that you knew my smell. You went swimming for the first time during your first month. You loved being in the water. You have loved swimming ever since. We take you swimming about once or twice a week and you always enjoy it. Sandra and I took you and the boys to a little water park. I was holding you in the water and the whole time you were sleeping so soundly. When we got out you woke up and had this expression on your face that said, "why in the world would you take me out of the water??" This is the only place where you fell asleep in the water. Other than that you are alert and awake during swim time. You had a pretty eventful first month. You gained weight beautifully. When you were born you weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces. The next day you weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces. At your two week appointment you weighed nine pounds eleven ounces. And by the end of the first month you weighed almost 12 pounds. You are my cute little chunky baby. I love you Love, Mommy

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