Thursday, March 24, 2011

Milestone catchup!

Dear Lexi,

Mommy has been super busy these last few weeks and I have completely neglected your blog! So we will do a quick catchup and then hopefully stay on top of it for the next few months!! Here are some of your recent milestones...

1. You started standing (letting go of objects while already standing up) at around 9 months old. Watching you learn to stand was probably one of the most entertaining things that I have seen you do so far. You would pull yourself up on a toy and then let go! You were so super excited that you weren't holding onto anything, you would pump your arms up and down and do a little dance! I loved watching you! If you fell, you would cry a little, but then you always got straight back up and tried to stand again. It was such an adventure watching you learn this little task! I was always amazed at how you decided it was time to let go, what was your thought process? I hope one day to understand that!

2. Standing up by yourself-you started to really try to stand up all by yourself at about 9.5 months. You would go into the middle of the living room, clear all of the toys from around you, and try your hardest to stand. After a few minutes, you would get discouraged and crawl away to find a toy. After a few weeks of practicing, you finally achieved this milestone! You did the same routine as you always did, but this time you finally stood. You were so proud of yourself, but you were also so scared that you had finally done it! You sat back down so fast! It was so cute! You have only stood up twice so far, but I know that this is going to be the beginning of a ton of changes!

3. Eating! You have started to be WAY better at eating! Before, it was a struggle getting anything into your mouth, but recently, you have actually been eating the things I put on your tray! Which is great for mommy since I always stress about how much you are eating!

4. Sleep! You have been sleeping so much better!! You aren't sleeping through the night yet, but you are waking up a manageable amount!

I'm sure there are more and I will post them when I think of them! For now, I love you boogie bear!!



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