Saturday, May 7, 2011

Milestone Mania!!

Dear Lexi,
Mommy has really been slacking on this whole blog thing. So, we have a lot of catching up to do!! You have changed so much in these last few weeks. It seems like everyday you are learning something new.

1. You are walking!! This has been my favorite milestone so far! You started off with just 1-2 steps, acting really timid and scared. After a few weeks, you were going 10-12 steps. Then, on Monday May 2, 2011, you just took off. It was like you realized that walking can get you places and you wanted to go go go!! It has been so much fun watching you toddle all around the apartment! You don't even want to sit in the grocery cart at the store, you just want to walk!!

2. You are becoming way more talkative! You know the words; mama, dada, ball, toy, toes, hi, and bye. Today, you came up to me and started waving and saying, "bye, bye, bye," then you headed over to the baby gate. I guess you had plans to go and I just wasn't aware of them. You also came up to me a few days ago, grabbed my toes, and said, "toes, toes, toes, toes, toes!!" It was so adorable! I didn't even know you knew the word toes, let alone where toes were!

3. You are clapping, waving bye bye, and playing "so big." It has been fun watching you learn how to use your hands. I love when you wave bye bye! You will occassionally blow kisses, but you have to be in the right mood!!

There are always more milestones, but these will do for now!

I love you Princess,


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