Monday, August 30, 2010

Month Three

Dear Lexi,
This was a busy month for you. It started out with a relaxing week and then a lot of your relatives came to visit. You were a very popular little girl. It was a fun few weeks getting to hang out with everybody. After everyone left Daddy started school. That left you and me a lot of time to just hang out and try to get into a routine for when I started school. We finally worked something out to where you were going to bed around 6:30. It was great. You had a lot of first this month and a lot of milestones.
You learned how to grasp. I would put you in your high chair while daddy and I ate dinner. I put a few toys on the tray and you eventually learned how to grab them.
You found your hands. This was a big one because now they are your best friends. You don't want anything to do with your Paci anymore. All you want is your hands. It is really cute because you can only control them a little so sometimes it seems like they are fighting to be the one in your mouth.
You started to chatter a lot more. You would talk all the time. The cutest is when you sing along to Church songs. I would put them on in the car and the whole time you would go AAAAHHH AHHH AHH. You also sang along with daddy when he sang to you.
You started sitting up. Not a lot. But every once in awhile you would sit up for up to a minute.
You started taking Gymboree classes. You had so much fun and you were the highlight of the class. With your chunky little thighs and round cheeks. Everyone loved you. Plus you were so advanced. Everyone was impressed by your strength. You were holding your head up, you were sitting up, and you were standing with little assistance from mommy. You were also engaging. You smiled and were incredibly curious about your surroundings. The only thing you didn't like is the hand puppet of Gymbo the clown.
Dancing. You started to do this little dance thing while you are standing. You would wiggle your butt and puff it out. You would also sway your little hips. It was so cute.


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