Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Dear Lexi,
You are finally crawling!! I am so super excited about this milestone. I've been watching you learn to crawl for the past few weeks. You would get so discouraged when you couldn't do it, but you kept trying. You figured out how to move that little leg out of the way, you figured out how to move your arms and your legs, you figured out how to go. Now you go go go! You crawl from the couch to your activity table. You can pull yourself up. You come over to the couch, pull yourself up, call mama mama, then you plop down and head back over to your toys. I'm so excited to see you grow up, but I'm also sad about the loss of my little girl. I remember when you were a newborn, how cuddly you were, how easily you would fall asleep in my arms, how you would snuggle into me and sigh and how every day was a new milestone. You have grown so much in the last 8 months, grown from learning to smile and laugh to crawling away from mommy towards your toys. I'm going to miss my non-mobile little girl, but I look forward to the adventures that crawling will bring us.
I love you little one,


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