Friday, October 29, 2010

Milestones and Fun Pictures

Dear Lexi,
This month you hit a lot of milestones. You started being able to sit unassisted, you learned to grab and reach at things, and you learned to pick things up off of your face. Daddy puts a diaper wipe on your face while he is changing you because you are a wiggly little thing who doesn't like to sit still. This month you learned how to use your thumb and index finger to pick it up off your face and toss it beside you. You also learned how to blow rasberries with your lips. It is the cutest thing watching you pucker out your lips and make noises.

Here is a picture of you sitting up...

Here is a picture of you with your rubber ducky (that you just started to love this month)...

Here is a picture of you finding your toes! Big accomplishment!

Here is a picture of you standing while holding onto something rather than daddy and mommy helping you stand...

I love you Lexi!

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