Dear Lexi,
This winter has been a great time for us. You have developed such a great personality, it has been so fun to watch you grow into your own person. You love being girly and playing with your dolls, stuffed animals, and pretending to put on make-up. You love to cuddle with mommy and be chased by daddy. Your favorite words are, "no, mine, and more." You love child sized furniture, eating crayons, princesses, and reading books. You are completely adorable with your little baby's. You will feed them, pat them, and cover them in blankets. You love playing on mommy's and daddy's phones. You are addicted to your pink sweater that you call your, "jackee." You love calling mommy, "sawah," and daddy, "wyan." You love kittens and saying animal noises. You know that cows moo, cats meow, dogs pant, and ducks quack. Mommy and daddy try to teach you that dogs go "woof," but you insist that dogs pant instead. You know a lot of your body parts; eyes, nose, ears, cheek, chin, mouth, teeth, tongue, head, elbow, fingers, thumbs, tummy, knees, toes, and hiney. You love pointing out body parts on other people and on your baby dolls. You have started talking more and more every week. You have started to sting 3-4 words together to form a sentence. You can tell me, "yes, I did poop," "I want daddy," "read a book," and "I want to go bye bye."
You have gotten so smart these last few months and so independent. You want to pick out your own clothes, shoes, and breakfast. You love things that are pretty like your sparkly shoes. You are such an amazing little girl and I love you with all of my heart.
Boxing with Uncle Scott.
Decorating our felt Christmas tree.
Reading your new book from Nana.
Reading with daddy, your new favorite night time ritural.
Learning to pout.
I love you baby girl,